[Translate to English:] Lernerfolg Spanisch Auswertung

Success in learning Spanish

Precise evaluation of your learning progress

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Your learning success at a glance!

Discover the meaning of a learning success statistic: With a clear overview of your progress, you'll understand where you stand and where you can grow. Our learning success statistic provides motivation and optimization opportunities by highlighting your achievements and areas for development. Find out which areas you've already mastered and where you can still improve.

Lengalia creates statistics for each exercise you perform, reflecting your learning development. This way, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses and have the opportunity to work on them specifically.

Good to know

The statistics are graphically represented and inform you about both your strengths and weaknesses, as well as the percentage of exercises from each lesson that you have already completed and how much percentage of them were answered correctly. If you wish to repeat the exercises, they will be reevaluated, allowing your learning statistics to adapt to the new result.

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